Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Finally called

The gastro doctor from the Mayo called after I waited for twelve days. He apologized for not calling sooner because he was out of town last week. (No one from his office mentioned this). Instead of drilling him about why it took twelve days to get a call (I called the thursday before he left). I feel good that they called back and the doctor was very nice and caring. He said he would do anything he could to help me and if I wanted a second opinion he would have me see another doctor there. I'm already in Chicago and have an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic on friday. But it was very nice to know that the Mayo Clinic did care, even though it was a little late.

Being a sensitive person I do feel bad that this blog is so negative about the Mayo Clinic in Florida. But it is what it is. And that is what it is. If it walks like a duck it is a duck. You know? When I cleaned houses for a living I'm sure there was a job I messed up and there could be a blog about it. I'm sure that the Mayo Clinic gives excellent care in many cases because I've heard people say positive things before I went and while I was there. And they may be right about the scar tissue. I did start taking more xanax because of the "chronic anxiety and depression" statement on the Mayo Clinic form. It didn't have any affect on my pain and it made me very sleepy. So now I'm sure that this has nothing to do with anxiety. When those three doctors said the pain wasn't in the muscles and nerves I have felt mentally worlds better.

I'm planning a new approach when I go to Cleveland. I've colored my grey hair to look younger and I'm going to say three times while pointing to my stomache, "this is trying to kill me, this is trying to kill me, this is trying to kill me". And if they don't find anything wrong will they at least look inside to see what the problem is? My local gastro doctor that I totally love recommended I have laproscopic surgery last year. I'm very nervous that the Cleveland Clinic may send me down the river with a quick muct-be-scar-tissue diagnosis and put me on pain control meds without going over everything else. We will see.

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